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Linda Winstead Jones 's Books

A very well recieved series by Linda Winstead Jones are the books, featuring tropes. The most popular books are Bigfoot and the Librarian, Santa and the Snow Witch, BRIDGER'S LAST STAND, A Week Till the Wedding, ON DEAN'S WATCH, Prince of Swords, Prince of Fire, Behind the Mask, A Touch of the Beast, Big Bad Wolf, Raintree: Oracle, The Moon Witch, Raintree: Haunted, MADIGAN'S WIFE, WILDER DAYS, Truly, Madly, Dangerously, The Husband Recipe, The Star Witch, Sundown, Sullivan (The Rock Creek Six Book 2), The Sheik and I, Cash (The Rock Creek Six Book 6), Jed (The Rock Creek Six Book 4), CAPTURING CLEO, No Angel's Grace, HOT ON HIS TRAIL, CLINT'S WILD RIDE, IN BED WITH BOONE, Last of the Ravens, In Enemy Hands, Warrior Rising, Shades of Midnight, Moonlight Becomes You: a short story, Cinderfella, Children of the Sun, which was published in 2022.